If Your Connecticut Home Has an Underground Oil Tank  
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at 8:24AM
Judy in Buyer Tips, Buying a Home, Homeowner Tips, Seller Tips, Selling Your Home, home improvements, inspections

What You Should Know About Residential Underground Home Heating Oil Tanks
Whether you are buying or selling you may have questions regarding Underground Storage Tanks (UST).  If not leaking, there is no Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulation requiring the removal of UST, however most buyers will require the seller to remove prior to closing.

Questions: Through the DEP’s website the homeowner can find a list of frequently asked questions regarding removal of UST and proper abandonment. Additionally, homeowners should always contact their Town to determine the local regulations or ordinances.

Removal:  Removal of a UST must be done by a licensed contractor. A homeowner can check the status of a contractor's registration with the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) prior to entering into a contract for a tank removal through the DCP's web site at: www.ct.gov/dcp

Moreover, the contractor must follow specific requirements for removal. The specific requirements can be found at the Department of Consumer Protection

Oil Spill: In the event of a leak or spill the homeowner should contact the CT DEP at the emergency response and spill prevention

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Article originally appeared on Fairfield County CT Real Estate & Homes for Sale in Easton, Fairfield, Norwalk, Trumbull & Westport, Connecticut (http://www.thectrealtyblog.com/).
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