Weekly Fairfield CT Real Estate Market Report 3/15/11

FAIRFIELD CT HOMES: The median list price in Fairfield is $544,900. The market is steadily improving! There are currently 392 homes on the market for an average of $1,152,210 that have been on the market 126 days. There were 21 new listings and no homes came back on the market after being under deposit. 8 Properties had a price change. In the last week, 20 properties have gone under deposit, which is what we call CTS. This means that the property just took a binder, but all the contingencies have not yet been met. 16 properties went into Pending status, which generally means that the all conditions have been satisfied, and the property is just waiting to close. The 5 properties that closed in the last week had an average price of $803,580 and were on the market an average of 117 days. There were 81 status changes in the last week.
FAIRFIELD CT CONDOS: There are currently 75 condominiums on the market listed at an average price of $463,546 and they have been on the market an average of 131 days. There were 5 new listings. 2 Properties had a price change. In the last week, 1 property went into CTS status, and no properties went into pending status. No properties closed in the last week. There were 11 status changes for the week.
There are currently 91 rental opportunities available in Fairfield CT at an average price of $4,406 per month, with an average market time of 58 days.