New Canaan, Connecticut
New Canaan, Connecticut Quick Facts: Land area is approximately 22 Square miles and the elevation is 250 feet. Incorporated in 1801, New Canaan currently has about 17,735 residents in 6,620 households, 79% of which are owner occupied. Approximately 28.6% of the housing stock was built prior to 1950. The 2012-2013 Tax Rate begins at 14.076 mills. See the 2011-2012 property tax rates for New Canaan here.
Check out our 12 page detailed demographic report HERE.
The town of New Canaan is another of Connecticut’s affluent communities, ranking first nationally with the highest median family income according to CNN Money in 2008. Connecticut magazine rated New Canaan's school system first among the 29 towns with a population of 15,000–25,000 in 2009. The New Canaan Historical Society was founded in 1889 and is very active in the community.
The towns roots begin as Canaan Parish in 1731, which was considered a religious entity of Norwalk and Stamford, and not planned as a town. Even when New Canaan was incorporated in 1801, there was no main street or town hall. Initially an agricultural community, the town’s major industry evolved into shoemaking. Community enclaves within the town started popping up -Ponus Ridge, Oenoke Ridge, Talmadge Hill and Silvermine to name a few. Around 60 years ago, a number of teachers and students from the Harvard Graduate School of Design moved to New Canaan and helped shape the town’s residential architecture as we know it today. Called the Harvard 5- Philip Johnson, Marcel Breuer create a unique ambience for the town. Check out the Philip Johnson Glass House – 798–856 Ponus Ridge Rd. It’s indicative of the time.
Take a Virtual Tour of New Canaan here!
Lapham Community Center is named after Lewis Lapham, one of the founders of Texaco . Lapham’s summer home “the castle” , built in 1912 on the former Prospect Farm , which some consider an architectural masterpiece is now a public park known as the Waveny House, which was sold to the town in 1967 along with its 300 acres. Other recreational facilities include Mead park Tennis Courts, Waveny paddle tennis courts, and the Waveny Pool.
Metro-North has two stops here: the New Canaan station and the Talmadge Hill station. The scenic Merritt Parkway (Route 15) is the major artery serving New Canaan. Getting here is never a problem, The town is close enough to New York City by train and by car, and but low key, conservative and private.