Need a real estate agent in Westport ?
Judy Szablak has the smarts and experience to make your transaction a smooth one!
Whether you are interested in Compo Beach, Greens Farms, Coleytown, Saugatuck, Saugatuck Shores, Stonybrook, Hillspoint, Old Hill, Hunt Club, Compo Commons or any other areas in town, buying a home is easy with the expert guidance of Judy Szablak of Remax Heritage in Westport, conveniently located at 991 Post Road East. Judy is author of the book, "The Art of Buying or Selling a Home", has been a real estate agent for over 26 years, and is eager to assist you. Contact Judy today!
Nationally recognized REALTOR designations:
Accredited Buyers Representative
Certified Residential Specialist
Graduate, Realtors Institute
Seniors Real Estate Specialist
Certified Internet Specialist
Certified Negotiation Specialist
Licensed Real Estate Broker (highest form of licensure available in CT)