Easton CT Year to Date real estate market information & advice

Year to Date market reporting in Easton shows what has been evident on a weekly basis. Sales are s l o w . Only 16 sales year to date, and although it's better than Easton's 5 year low in 2009 at ten sales, it's less than half of sales reported by this time in 2007. Unfortunately, if I had to grade Easton's market right now, it would have to be a "C-" Even in 2010, the market was showing promise Lets hope for better things for the remainder of the year. Don't fret too much, this quarter is traditionally the highest sales quarter of the year. Let's look for improvement. Buy if you want to buy, and sell if you want to sell- the market is not making any huge changes here, either positive or negative.
The fast stats?
Year to date 3 bedroom home sales average list price $573,720 and the average sales price is $ 540,000 (5 sales reported)
Year to date 4 bedroom home sales average list price $704,700 and the average sales price is Year to date 4 bedroom home sales average list price is $682,475 (4 sales reported)
Year to date 5 bedroom home sales average list price is $885,685 and the average sales price is $836,110 ( 7 sales reported)
Total year to date sales are 16 compared to:
2010 -29
2009 -10
2008- 23
2007 -34
2006 -23

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