Fairfield Single Family and Condominium Sale Details for August 2012

There were 71 single family home sales reported through the Greater Fairfield County Multiple Listing System in the town of Fairfield during the month of August, 2012. The smallest home that sold was 720 square feet, and the largest was 8,333 square feet.
The average sales price was $817,268 and the average market time was 97 days.
Total closed Sales Volume for the month of August 2012 was $58,026,050
There were 7 condominium sales reported through the Greater Fairfield County Multiple Listing System in the town of Fairfield during the month of August, 2012. The smallest home that sold was 1,200 square feet, and the largest was 3,000 square feet.
The average sales price was $428,571 and the average market time was 75 days.
Total closed Condominium Sales Volume for the month of August 2012 was $3,000,000
SOURCE: Market Data is compiled from the GFC-CMLS and represents activity through our local MLS system. Private sales are not included in these statistics.
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If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in Fairfield, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy
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