The best way to find a real estate listing site that is current. HINT: (it's not

In the last week, three different people have contacted me to see a particular property that they found online, and in each instance, I've had to tell them that the property was under deposit, and no longer available. It just doesn't sound right, does it?
Yes, the market is coming back, but to get three calls in one week on listings that are unavailable is just awful. It's awful for the people who think they are looking at a current real listing site- and trust me, its no fun to tell a potential client that the house that they want to see is under deposit.
And the biggest offender? Really! This site can be up to 30 days out of date. YES, that's right. At least in Fairfield County, that's right. does not recognize one of the deposit statuses in our area. That's unfortunate. does not have all of the listings, and then some of them are OLD OLD OLD. Trulia and Zillow are incomplete AND out of date.
So what do you do? Work with ONE agent, who will allow you access to the MLS. I offer both MLSPulse and Listingbook to my clients or potential clients FREE of charge, and FREE of spam. If you care to sign up for either one, it's free and easy, just click on the respective links below
Listingbook at and MLSPulse at

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