How long does it take to actually close on a home?

If you have been trying to decide what to do, as far as buying a new home,or selling your existing one, here are some ways to see whether the timing is a good decision for you to start the process right now.
For example, if you would like to move around the end of June when the school year is done, and we leave just 60 days to negotiate a sale, we better get started right away! It takes 45 to 60 days to close, and we need some time on the market to attract that buyer. Now what happens if a buyer comes along and wants to close sooner than that? We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Many buyers will wait an extra 45-60 days if they really want to buy your home, so let's not worry about that right now.
Get an idea as to what your home is worth. A Market Analysis from me doesn't cost you a cent, and I certainly don't mind coming out to your home whenever it's convenient for you. Rest assured that I am not a fan of high-pressure sales tactics, so you can cross that off your list of concerns about having me over. I'll give you a true idea as to what your home is worth, and the time frame needed to secure a sale. From there, the next step is to figure out what which town you want to move to, if you don't already have an idea. I'll set you up with free access to the MLS, and we'll go look at a few homes to make sure that there is a home available that fits your needs and budget. If we find lots of properties that seem to fit the bill, well, then depending on your time frame for moving, we might want to get started right away, or plan for a future start date.
Buyers: Let's work on an estimated time frame. Let's say for instance, that we went to see a home today, and you wanted to buy it. If we found that property today, the very soonest that we would most likely close is at the end of March, but if you figured on finalizing the sale at the end of April, that would be a lot more realistic. And that's if we found a house today! We haven't even met yet! You should expect the closing to take anywhere from 45 to 60 days on average, and if you are looking at bank owned properties, the closing could take months! So depending on your time frame, it might be a very good idea to start the process now.
If you want to see what your competition is , or see what available homes are out there in your range, just click on the logo below to get your FREE, no obligation MLS account, complete with addresses. Remember you can always call me or email me, too.

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