Westport CT Real Estate Market Statistics also on Westportnow.com

I am pleased to announce that my Westport CT Real Estate Weekly Market Statistics will also be available on www.WestportNow. com in a new affiliation forged yesterday with Westport's best online news source.
WestportNow is Westport, Connecticut’s 24/7 news and information source, offering insights into Westport-related news and news of interest to Westporters. Founded in March 2003, it was a pioneer among non-newspaper, non-broadcast professionally written and edited community news sites in the nation. Since then, it has grown rapidly and now attracts more readers on a weekly basis than any other print or online Westport-based publication.
Gordon F. Joseloff, publisher of WestportNow, is an award-winning veteran journalist who reported from London, Moscow, Tokyo and other world capitals for United Press International and CBS News for more than two decades. Joseloff was editor as well as publisher of WestportNow from its founding until November 2005 when he was elected first selectman (mayor) of Westport, a southwest Connecticut shoreline community of 26,000. (See www.westportct.gov)

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