Does a Nearby Cemetery Impact Your CT Home's Resale Value?

What a morbid subject- no one even likes to say "the word". Unfortunately, there are times when you must have this discussion. For some people, close proximity to a cemetery simply doesn't matter, and yet, for others it is an absolute deal breaker. Some buyers don't even want to pass by a cemetery to get to their home.
The fact of the matter is, that yes, it does impact your resale value. There is a good side to that and a not-so-good aspect as well. It's up to you as to whether the positives outweigh the negatives, or vice- versa.
As close proximity will affect resale value, even if it's not for all buyers, the bottom line is that it still affects property value for some.
If you are in the market to purchase a home, then you can expect to get a better deal on that home because of its location. It would be worth more in another area. That just goes back to the old saying about the most important thing in real estate being "Location, location, location".If you are selling your home near a cemetery, understand that there are buyers that just won't look at your house, no matter what. Expect to have a longer than average market time, but consider this- You bought the home- and your buyer will probably purchase your home for many of the same reasons that you did.
A good marketing plan designed specifically for your home will get the job done, and I know just the right Realtor for you- (that's me!)
And a note From Judy: If you have a question about buying or selling a home in Fairfield County, and are in need of an Realtor to represent you, I invite you to contact me, and if you have an idea for a topic that you would like to see on The CT Realty Blog, please include it in the "Post a Comment" section link below this post. We appreciate the feedback and look forward to providing you with the best real estate content, advice and service in Fairfield County, Connecticut.

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