Looking for a New Home, and Need What Seems to Be the Impossible?

The excitement of searching for a new home is all- consuming, but what if what you desire in your next home seems next to impossible? You don't necessarily have to lower your standards.
I repeat, you don't necessarily have to lower your standards.
A great real estate agent will help you to begin the process by asking lots of questions, and LISTENING. Questions like, what are your must haves, what are your "absolutely nots", and what are the nice to haves, and what are the "it doesn't matter one way or the others".
The initial conversations about your home search criteria, and subsequent discussions with your agent will help you determine if your expectations are reasonable or not. And guess what? Your expectations may not be unreasonable. It may just be a matter of your agent working hard for you to get you that home.
As a buyer client, you don't ever need to apologize for putting an agent "into a box". A good agent should never feel like you did, and would welcome the challenge to get you that perfect home. (I know I do.) While we are on the subject, don't ever feel the need to apologize to your agent because you want what you want, or because you don't like the home they just showed you, if that's the case.
There are plenty of agents that will be happy to find you your next home, as long as it doesn't take too much time or effort. Weed those agents out, and find an agent who is diligent on your behalf. The rest is easy.
Check out some of my own customer reviews- My prior clients were happy to write them, and I am happy to share them.
Your next Realtor,
Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County? We'd love to represent you.
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If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

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