When and when not to allow showings on your home

A lot of people are watching the Superbowl tomorrow! But that should not preclude you from showing your home if it is on the market. I have a client who needs to move immediately, and I was trying to make appointments for tomorrow. Believe it or not, two homeowners declined appointments because of the game. I'm not singling out sports fans, I like to watch, too, BUT, if your home is on the market, please don't disallow buyers access during a televised sporting event, or a particular television show. They may very well be just as big as fans as you are, and are even more sorry to miss the game or the show to go look at houses, but not allowing buyer access for a few minutes is just not a prudent business decision on any sellers part without good reason. In tomorrow's case, my particular buyer-client may very well purchase something tomorrow, and those two houses are out of the running because... of a game.
Generally speaking, if a buyer would like to see your home at a reasonable time, let the buyer see it. I've called to make appointments and I have gotten every excuse in the book- Like, "I have to pick up the house first", (by the way, when I get the seller to agree to the showing, and I usually do, the house tends to be one of the cleanest of the day- and it's not just because they had an extra half hour to clean the house. It was clean already. Here's another one- "We are doing work in the house, and you can show it next week". Please remember that if you are doing work to sell your home while it is listed, it's an especially good idea to let buyers in during the project for two reasons,.. no let's make that three.
1. They can see that you are doing quality work 2. If the buyers like the house, and want to make a minor change to your project, you can stop right there! and 3. I guarantee you the buyer won't buy your home if he/she can't look at it.
Reasons to put off a showing- Illness or personal event.
In the case of the above two properties, I think it's akin to shirking your duty as an agent to forward buyer appointment calls to the seller. That's what sellers hire agents for- Although the many of agents in my area direct appointment calls directly to the seller, I choose to personally take all appointment calls, and I all my client for confirmation. It's much better all the way around. If you'reone of the millions watching the game tomorrow, I hope your team wins!