Norwalk CT April 2011 Monthly Real Estate Sales Report

There were thirty-eight single family home sales in Norwalk during the month of April that were reported to the MLS. The average List price was $634,691 and the average sale price was $603,79, and market time for these listings to sell was 107 days. On average, the sale price to list price ratio for sold listings was 95.1%, and these sales figures include four sales of home with 2 bedrooms or less, seventeen sales of 3 bedroom homes, fifteen sales of 4 bedroom homes, and two sales of homes with 5 or more bedrooms.
During this same period in 2010, there were 45 sales, and during this period in 2009, there were 33 sales. So, while not as brisk as 2010 sales, the market still outperformed 2009 during this period.
Seventeen condominiums were sold in Norwalk that were reported to the MLS. The average List price was $312,393 and the average sale price was $296,141, market time for these listings to sell was 123 days, and these figures include thirteen units with 2 bedrooms or less, and four units with 3 bedrooms On average, the sale price to list price ratio for sold listings was 94%. NOTE: all information was obtained through the GFC-CMLS, which does not include private sales.

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