Trumbull CT Real Estate Sales "RealTrender" Report

TheTrumbull RealTrender Report" is a market snapshot of real estate sales by price and bedrooms in town over the last 45 days. We also have included townwide condominium sales as well for your review.
There were 13 single family home sales reported in Trumbull in this Realtrender period, and they are broken down by bedrooms in the graph. There was 1 condominium sale townwide.
The idea of the 45 day report came from the Federal Reserve Banks, who submit an economic climate report every 45 days, and its commonly referred to as The Beige Book. I've thought that if that particular time period was important enough to be recognized by banks, that I should recognize that as a real estate agent as well. So here are the quick details. The 2nd report of 2011 is displayed here, and the first report is available to you by clicking the link below. Feel free to contact me for an interpretation of this report as it pertains to your home in Trumbull, and your situation. And, yes, I'd love to talk to you when you are ready to buy a home, or sell your home!
Click here for 1st period RealTrender Report.