Weekly Easton CT Real Estate Market Report 3/15/11

EASTON CT HOMES: The median list price in Easton is $764,450. There are currently 49 homes on the market for an average price of $972,692 that have been on the market 153 days. There were 2 new listings and no homes came back on the market after being under deposit. 1 home had a price change. In the last week, 3 properties have gone under deposit, which is what we call CTS. This means that the property just took a binder, but all the contingencies have not yet been met. 2 properties went into Pending status, which generally means that the all conditions have been satisfied, and the property is just waiting to close. 2 properties closed in the last week that were listed at an average price of $687,200 and were on the market just 97 days. There was a total of 11 status changes.
There are currently 15 rental opportunities in Easton, at an average monthly price of $4210. These rentals have been on the market an average of 85 days.
EASTON CT CONDOS: There are no condominiums in Easton.
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