Snow, snow and more snow! But there is a bright side!

Of course there is! depending on your real estate situation, you can do the following:
Buying - Don't be afraid to go look at houses in this weather! You can learn more than you think! See how well the street is plowed, if any ice accumulates in certain areas around your home, and whether there is any noticeable heat loss near any of the windows and doors.
Selling - Make sure there is a clean pathway to your home!! That includes the driveway! There is nothing worse for an agent AND A BUYER who cannot access your property safely. Just the other day, my client fell on the walk going to the house. He soured on that home before he even got to the door. Don' let it happen to you. Also, take this homebound opportunity to spruce up closets, cabinets or that catch-all area that may be in the garage, basement or porch. Your home will show better for it.

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