The weather is picking up, and so is the market!

Well, hopefully, you're all safe and sound and not too worn out from all the shoveling. If you are interested in town data, I have put the last week's statistics for each town on their respective sites, although you can always e-mail me with any questions that you have, or interpretations that you might want. Tomorrow is a great day to look at houses- you just never know when the right one is going to come, but I will tell you this, and it is absolutely true. No matter how pushy the salesman, no one can sell you a house that you don't want. Personally, I will tell a pushy salesman to get lost. Here's what I know and understand in my heart- YOU will know it's your house when you walk in. The best agents (like me!) will just get you to that house, understand the emotions surrounding the purchase, and get you the best deal possible.

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