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Welcome to The CT Home Blog

All about Connecticut Real Estate and Homes For Sale. Whether you are buying or selling real estate,  you have come to the right place. The CT Home Blog offers real estate tips. home buying and home selling advice,  other useful information, and we update current mortgage rates for Connecticut every Friday. There is plenty of local town demographics on our site and market statistics, too. Bookmark us, tell your friends, and come back often. We're here at  to service your needs whenever you are ready. -Judy


Entries by Judy (817)


The Blizzard of 2017- Stay Warm and Safe, Everyone!

Stay warm and safe. Browse homes online today, let me know which ones you'd like to see tomorrow!

Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County?  Contact us!

If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in  Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

Search for properties on any of our sites, or get the very best visibility available for your home. Visit us online wherever you like: Find out more about Judy here


 Email us or  call Toll Free (855) GET-JUDY





Connecticut Financing Update and Today's Mortgage Rates Jan. 23, 2017

Rates rise a bit over the last week.  Interest rates have risen over a half of a point over the last two months.  Rates still look attractive at these low levels and it’s time to jump into refinancing your existing mortgage or purchasing a new home with Realtor Judy Szablak’s real estate expertise.  The 10 year is currently at 2.48

Mortgage Rates:

Conventional 30 year fixed – 4.5% - APR 4.545%
Conventional 15 year fixed - 3.75% - APR 3.823%
FHA 30 year fixed – 4.125% - APR 4.858%
FHA 15 year fixed – 3.875% - APR 4.956%

The above rates are based on a loan amount of $417,000 for a single family home, a borrower’s middle credit score of 780 and a 20% down payment.  If you would like a customized rate quote for your own specific loan scenario then please feel free to email me at or call me directly at 203.913.6016.

This is not an offer for extension of credit or a commitment to lend. All loans must satisfy company underwriting guidelines. Information and pricing are subject to change at any time and without notice. This is not an offer to enter into a rate lock agreement under any applicable law.

This is not an offer for extension of credit or a commitment to lend. All loans must satisfy company underwriting guidelines. Information and pricing are subject to change at any time and without notice. This is not an offer to enter into a rate lock agreement under any applicable law.

As a lending professional, Nima Rezvan meets a wide range of real estate lending needs, whether it be a first time purchase, second home purchase, or refinance. He welcomes the opportunity to serve your needs with quick and accurate real estate financing advice. With his expertise and knowledge, he will make sure you understand the features associated with the loan program you choose and that it meets your unique financial situation.

With more than 10 years of mortgage lending experience, Nima specializes in  Conventional Mortgages,  Jumbo Loan Financing, Refinance, First Time Home Buyers and Federal Housing Administration/Veterans' Administration (FHA/VA)

782 Clinton Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604



Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County?  Contact us!

If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in  Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

Search for properties on any of our sites, or get the very best visibility available for your home. Visit us online wherever you like: Find out more about Judy here 


 Email us or  call Toll Free (855) GET-JUDY



There's Much More To an Offer Than Just The Price

Whether you are a buyer or  seller, fixating on just the price of a home may cost you the  transaction. Other important factors can affect the bottom line for either party. Learn how to recognie and address them.

For example, sellers who decide that a specific dollar figure will buy their home and won't budge from that bottom line may sell themselves short.

Additionally, buyers who drop out of a transaction for a property they love because the seller's counter-offer does not meet with their approval may be quitting before negotiations have begun.

When a buyer makes an offer to purchase a property, the dollar amount is a prime consideration, but it represents only part of the total value offered to the seller. Problems may arise for both sides of the transaction when this fact is forgotten.

Value Elements in an Offer

The value expressed in a buyer's offer to purchase, or in a seller's offer to sell, involves five key elements; in other words, a financial package.

Purchase Price, the stated amount of dollars offered by the buyer, represents a significant contributor to value, but there are other important factors which can reduce the amount the seller receives or which can compromise the transaction. It's not the purchase price, but the net proceeds of the sale that sellers,.. and savvy buyers.. should concentrate on.

Closing Date, or the day ownership changes hands and the seller receives the money, can represent cost or value to both parties. Savvy buyers usually attempt to meet the seller's preferred moving date, especially when the seller has committed to purchasing another property or needs the proceeds of the sale on a specific date. For instance, a closing before that date may be expensive because the seller would have to move out and store everything until they could move into their new home. That double move and the inconvenience represent out-of-pocket costs and time lost that make the actual purchase price lower than stated. A closing date later than the seller's preferred date may leave the seller owning two homes - and paying off two mortgages - at once. The seller may incur extra costs in arranging bridge financing to meet legal obligations to close on their new home before they receive proceeds from the sale of their current home. Choice of closing date may represent costs or value to the buyer as well. Balancing this reality for both parties is key in negotiation.

Inclusions and Exclusions to the sale also represent costs and value for both parties. Appliances, heating systems and draperies are common seller inclusions designed to boost value for buyers. If warranties for everything from a new roof or solar panels to new appliances cannot be transferred to a buyer, these items become "second-hand"and will probably represent less value to buyers. Buyers are also free to include excluded seller items, like an antique light fixture, in the offer to purchase. Deals have been lost to disagreements over light fixtures, fireplace accessories and vintage furnishings, so prudent sellers remove contentious items before listing. A buyer may offer less than list price and ask for nothing; a seller could sign back for more money and include items to sweeten the pot. Value is very subjective for these non-real-estate items and that's where negotiations can get heated.

Terms and Conditions are clauses in the offer which cover "what if" risks for one party and the obligations of both parties. These clauses detail what the buyer asks the seller to do for the purchase price. Arrange a survey or include a treasured light fixture? Sellers can create conditions in an offer to sell, but usually conditions are of greater concern to the buyer, particularly if approval of a third partly like a lender or town commission or department is involved in determining the property's suitability. Conditions to arrange financing or a home inspection are among the "ifs" that define the offer to purchase. The degree of uncertainty attached to the conditions and the buyer's related ability to close affect the value of an offer. For instance, a buyer who is pre-approved for a mortgage of sufficient size offers less risk to a seller. However, if the purchase price is significantly-above market value, the lender may not approve the mortgage, so a condition for financing is essential to protect all parties. A full-price offer with conditions that will be difficult to meet may hold less value than an under-list-price offer with no conditions. Alternatively, if the conditions are merely formalities, the conditional offer could represent greater value. Would you recognize the difference if you were the seller? That's where the expertise of the real estate professionals involved becomes valuable...

Intent and Sincerity are vital aspects of an offer although difficult to quantify. How determined is the buyer to buy, and why? How determined is the seller to sell? If either party changes their mind after the contract exists and before the closing date, the injured party has remedies in court. These legal steps may not make up for lost time and, perhaps, a missed market. An investor or flipper may decide to cut losses and bail out of the deal if the market drops significantly before closing. A seller may have second thoughts if their plans to move fall through. For both parties, value should lie in the certainty that the other party will close in spite of market shifts.

Yes, price matters, but there's a lot more involved in creating an offer that demands to be accepted. That's why an experienced real estate professional is a valuable contributor to success. Professionals can estimate the seller's net proceeds after costs related to the offer and deduction of commission. This information helps the seller accurately evaluate an offer to purchase. Understanding cost and benefit for all elements of an offer helps a buyer intent on ownership to create the best financial package possible.

Tip: Re-read this article when you are ready to make an offer, counter an offer or accept one. This will ensure value is visible to you on all levels before you decide to walk away or sign on the dotted.

Written by PJ Wade

Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County?  Contact us!

If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in  Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

Search for properties on any of our sites, or get the very best visibility available for your home. Visit us online wherever you like: Find out more about Judy here 


 Email us or  call Toll Free (855) GET-JUDY


Connecticut Financing Update and Today's Mortgage Rates Nov. 6, 2016

Interest rates have risen about a quarter of a point over the last two months.  Rates still look attractive at these low levels and it’s time to jump into refinancing your existing mortgage or purchasing a new home with Realtor Judy Szablak’s real estate expertise.  The 10 year is currently at 1.78

Mortgage Rates:

Conventional 30 year fixed – 3.875% - APR 3.963%

Conventional 15 year fixed - 3.25% - APR 3.338%
FHA 30 year fixed – 3.50% - APR 4.429%

FHA 15 year fixed – 3.375% - APR 4.339%

The above rates are based on a loan amount of $417,000 for a single family home, a borrower’s middle credit score of 780 and a 20% down payment.  If you would like a customized rate quote for your own specific loan scenario then please feel free to email me at or call me directly at 203.913.6016.

This is not an offer for extension of credit or a commitment to lend. All loans must satisfy company underwriting guidelines. Information and pricing are subject to change at any time and without notice. This is not an offer to enter into a rate lock agreement under any applicable law.

As a lending professional, Nima Rezvan meets a wide range of real estate lending needs, whether it be a first time purchase, second home purchase, or refinance. He welcomes the opportunity to serve your needs with quick and accurate real estate financing advice. With his expertise and knowledge, he will make sure you understand the features associated with the loan program you choose and that it meets your unique financial situation.

With more than 10 years of mortgage lending experience, Nima specializes in  Conventional Mortgages,  Jumbo Loan Financing, Refinance, First Time Home Buyers and Federal Housing Administration/Veterans' Administration (FHA/VA)

782 Clinton Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604



Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County?  Contact us!

If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in  Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

Search for properties on any of our sites, or get the very best visibility available for your home. Visit us online wherever you like: Find out more about Judy here 


 Email us or  call Toll Free (855) GET-JUDY



The Best Time of Year to Buy A Home

There are great reasons to purchase a home this time of year, especially  when the weather begins to chill.

Distraction-packed months - November to February - carry benefits for determined buyers. Forget what you may have heard, that is, that the holiday season and the following "worst weather" months are widely considered the worst time of the year for selling or buying real estate.

Join the "herd" of buyers who are active during traditional "good weather" home shopping months - starting with the spring frenzy of home buying - and this competition for properties can mean buyers pay more, lose out on good-value listings, and receive less attention from swamped real estate and mortgage professionals.

Get outside the traditional "box" of right times to buy and you'll deal with sellers who are very committed to selling, real estate and mortgage professionals able to give you their full attention, and less competition for good-value listings. This lack of competition should mean you get more for your money with less hassle, more personalized service from real estate and mortgage professionals, and time to make confident decisions.

Yes, tradition may dictate that you put your dreams and your life on hold to spend and eat too much over the holiday season, and then cut corners when bills come in during the winter. However, "we've always done it that way" tradition does not mean we've ever done it the right way. What priority do you give your real estate goals and dreams? Is it time for you to break from the buyer "herd" and make sure you receive the best buying opportunity possible?

The key advantage of shopping for a home during "the worst times" is that sellers who have listed their property during these periods are serious, often very serious, about selling. Motivated sellers understand why they benefit from taking offers to purchase seriously and take the time to explore how they may be able to work with the buyers. As we've discussed before, it's about a lot more than purchase price. For instance, offering to match the seller's perfect closing date can carry considerable value for the seller just as not asking for a huge shopping list of inclusions means savings for sellers.

There's a practical side, too. Viewing property at "the worst time" can tell you a lot about what you can really expect from a property:

    Visit a house during a hard rain and you'll see how well the eavestrough system does its job. No overflowing gutters, waterfalls at corners, or soaked exterior walls. There should not be exterior water damage or water in the basement (at least from that source). Observe how the rain water flows off the land. Does it collect around the house or move to the street?  Pooling may indicate a potential basement problem. The longer water problems from poor maintenance continue, the greater the cost of repairing the damage. Paint may camouflage the trouble, but the problem will persist.

    Drive by houses after a fresh snowfall and you'll discover which are well insulated (snow on roof) and which are losing heat (melted snow).

    Tour a house on a very windy day and drafts, insufficient insulation, and poorly-sealed windows and doors will be revealed.

    Spend time in a house on a cold day and study how well the furnace heats the whole house. When a furnace is replaced, the duct work is not always adapted. Is it noticeably colder in the back rooms? How's the second floor and the bathrooms?

    During the holiday season when parties and cooking are popular pastimes tour condominium units and you'll see how far noise and smells travel in the building and into the suite or townhome you're considering.

    Ask an experienced real estate professional for their "best things" about "worst times".

Are you ready to turn "the worst times for home buying" into the best time for your successful real estate transaction?

Courtesy of Real Estate Times -Written by PJ Wade

Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County?  Contact us!

If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in  Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

Search for properties on any of our sites, or get the very best visibility available for your home. Visit us online wherever you like: Find out more about Judy here 


 Email us or  call Toll Free (855) GET-JUDY