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Welcome to The CT Home Blog

All about Connecticut Real Estate and Homes For Sale. Whether you are buying or selling real estate,  you have come to the right place. The CT Home Blog offers real estate tips. home buying and home selling advice,  other useful information, and we update current mortgage rates for Connecticut every Friday. There is plenty of local town demographics on our site and market statistics, too. Bookmark us, tell your friends, and come back often. We're here at  to service your needs whenever you are ready. -Judy


Entries by Judy (817)


What Sellers Should Know About Pets and Showings

Selling your home? Keep in mind that buyers and their agents should feel welcome to look at the property at their leisure without danger or distractions. So while you adore your sweet-tempered pit bull rescue, he could turn territorial, barking and growling at potential homebuyers. And it could cost you the opportunity to sell your home.

Think of buyers as guests and work to make them feel comfortable as they consider your home for purchase. If you have a protective dog or one that isn't well-trained, drop her off at doggie day care when you know your home is going to be shown. Or call a pet sitter on call who can take your pet for a long walk while your home is being shown.

If you must leave the dog at home, don't expect real estate professionals to handle your dog. They are not dog trainers and should not be expected to risk a dog bite to show your home to buyers. This is where crate-training can be a huge advantage. At least your dog is secured and more inclined to relax while your home is being shown.

What you should not do is leave your dog loose in the backyard. Not only does the buyer not have access to part of the property, but your dog could bark so much that the din drives the buyer out of the house. Also, don't leave your dog at the neighbor's. It's just as bad if the buyer believes a noisy dog lives next door.

Housecats can also repel buyers. Most homes aren't designed with a convenient place for the litter box, so cat owners do the best they can. Owners get used to the smells of catboxes and fishy foods, which could be offensive to buyers who don't have cats.

While buyers aren't afraid of being cat-attacked, cats can still be startling -- they appear silently without warning and they jump on furniture and counters. And if you've taught your cat to jump on your shoulders, you can imagine what could happen to an unsuspecting buyer.

Exotic pets can be showing-stoppers, too. Birds are gorgeous, but a puffed-up screeching cockatoo can be intimidating and dangerous. Imagine a buyer bringing small children who can't resist sticking their fingers in the cage and quickly get rewarded with a nasty bite from a very strong beak.

When you're selling a home, keep in mind that the first two weeks on the market are crucial. That's the time you want your home to be pristine and move-in ready. You don't want any noise, smells or stains that could put buyers off.

Sell your home faster and for more money by making your home as inviting and accessible as possible, so that buyers have no barriers to overcome. Accessibility to your home is just as important as price, condition and location.

Courtesy of RealtyTimes/ Blanche Evans

Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County?  Contact us!

If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in  Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

Search for properties on any of our sites, or get the very best visibility available for your home. Visit us online wherever you like: Find out more about Judy here 


 Email us or  call Toll Free (855) GET-JUDY


Good Credit Is Just As Important After Your Home Purchase

Everybody knows how important it is to have great credit when you're buying a house. But keeping your credit good after you've purchased is just as critical. Letting your score take a hit after you close escrow can negatively impact you in a few important ways.

Credit Cards

It's easier than you think to get into trouble with credit cards once you become a homeowner. One late or missed payment is all it takes to get your first ding.

Even if you don't have any credit cards when you buy your home, make your first mortgage payment and watch your mailbox fill up with pre-approval offers. While it might be tempting to get all those cards and charge them up with new furniture and window coverings and TVs and appliances, it might be best to wait. As a new homeowner, you don't yet know what your total monthly nut will be.

Maybe the utilities are way more than you expected. Perhaps your air conditioning goes kaput the first time you turn it on in the spring or your handyman discovers asbestos while scraping the cottage cheese ceilings in your living room. What if rising values in your area means higher taxes for the next year? Delaying some or all of those purchases until you know what you can easily afford can help you stay in good financial shape.


If rates drop after you've moved in or you didn't get the greatest rate to begin with, refinancing might be your answer since it can save you money every month and over the life of your loan. If your credit score has gone up since you purchased, which often happens after a mortgage payment or two, you might be in a good position to refinance. If your credit score has dropped since your lender approval because you took out too much credit or were late on any of your payments, you may not qualify, which would mean sticking with your existing rate.

Another good reason to refinance is lower private mortgage insurance (PMI) rates for those with a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan. The lower rates are expected to save homeowners up to $900 per year, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Cars, cable, and cell phones, oh my!

The bump in your credit score post-mortgage can help you get a better rate when buying a car, whereas a credit score in decline could mean not qualifying at all. But even smaller purchases and necessary services can be affected by poor credit.

"Cell phone companies run a credit check on you every time you sign up for a new contract," said CNN Money. "The rationale is simple: Wireless companies want to make sure you'll pay your bill. The company "has revealed that 50% of its customers don't qualify for its top promotions."

Utilities like electric and gas as well as cable and satellite may not decline to service your home, especially if they are the only provider in your area. But you may have to pay a higher deposit if your credit is bad—something to consider if you are planning to change to a different provider or plan.

Courtesy of RealtyTimes -Written by Jaymi Naciri

Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County?  Contact us!

If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in  Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

Search for properties on any of our sites, or get the very best visibility available for your home. Visit us online wherever you like: Find out more about Judy here 


 Email us or  call Toll Free (855) GET-JUDY


Connecticut Financing Update and Today's Mortgage Rates July 24, 2016

Rates are at about the same for the last two weeks or so.  Rates look very attractive at these low levels and it’s time to jump into refinancing your existing mortgage or purchasing a new home with Realtor Judy Szablak’s real estate expertise.  The 10 year is currently at 1.57

Mortgage Rates:

Conventional 30 year fixed – 3.625% - APR 3.713%

Conventional 15 year fixed - 3.125% - APR 3.213%

FHA 30 year fixed – 3.375% - APR 4.304%

FHA 15 year fixed – 3.125% - APR 4.089%

The above rates are based on a loan amount of $417,000 for a single family home, a borrower’s middle credit score of 780 and a 20% down payment.  If you would like a customized rate quote for your own specific loan scenario then please feel free to email me at or call me directly at 203.913.6016.

This is not an offer for extension of credit or a commitment to lend. All loans must satisfy company underwriting guidelines. Information and pricing are subject to change at any time and without notice. This is not an offer to enter into a rate lock agreement under any applicable law.

As a lending professional, Nima Rezvan meets a wide range of real estate lending needs, whether it be a first time purchase, second home purchase, or refinance. He welcomes the opportunity to serve your needs with quick and accurate real estate financing advice. With his expertise and knowledge, he will make sure you understand the features associated with the loan program you choose and that it meets your unique financial situation.

With more than 10 years of mortgage lending experience, Nima specializes in  Conventional Mortgages,  Jumbo Loan Financing, Refinance, First Time Home Buyers and Federal Housing Administration/Veterans' Administration (FHA/VA)

782 Clinton Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604



Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County?  Contact us!

If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in  Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

Search for properties on any of our sites, or get the very best visibility available for your home. Visit us online wherever you like: Find out more about Judy here 


 Email us or  call Toll Free (855) GET-JUDY



Connecticut Financing Update and Today's Mortgage Rates March 9, 2016

Rates remain at the same levels at this time last week.  Rates look very attractive at these low levels and it’s time to jump into refinancing your existing mortgage or purchase a new home with Realtor Judy Szablak’s expertise.  The 10 year is at 1.87
Mortgage Rates:

Conventional 30 year fixed – 3.99% - APR 4.066%
Conventional 15 year fixed - 3.25% - APR 3.344%
FHA 30 year fixed – 3.625% - APR 5.127%
FHA 15 year fixed – 3.25% - APR 4.663%

The above rates are based on a loan amount of $417,000 for a single family home, a borrower’s middle credit score of 780 and a 20% down payment.  If you would like a customized rate quote for your own specific loan scenario then please feel free to email me at or call me directly at 203.913.6016.

This is not an extension of credit or a commitment to lend. All loans must satisfy company underwriting guidelines. Information and pricing are subject to change at any time and without notice. This is not an offer to enter into a rate lock agreement under any applicable law.


As a lending professional, Nima Rezvan meets a wide range of real estate lending needs, whether it be a first time purchase, second home purchase, or refinance. He welcomes the opportunity to serve your needs with quick and accurate real estate financing advice. With his expertise and knowledge, he will make sure you understand the features associated with the loan program you choose and that it meets your unique financial situation.

With more than 10 years of mortgage lending experience, Nima specializes in  Conventional Mortgages,  Jumbo Loan Financing, Refinance, First Time Home Buyers and Federal Housing Administration/Veterans' Administration (FHA/VA)

782 Clinton Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604



Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County?  Contact us!

If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in  Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

Search for properties on any of our sites, or get the very best visibility available for your home. Visit us online wherever you like: Find out more about Judy here 


 Email us or  call Toll Free (855) GET-JUDY


Five Big Turnoffs for Homebuyers

Getting the price you want for your home  has a lot to do with condition as well as price, and marketing.

Buyers get turned off on homes for various reasons. If you have the power and wherewithal to make sure your home shows as well as it could, you should absolutely address whatever  your agent thinks is needed.

Remember, your agent can't get you the price you want unless your home is in pristine move-in condition, or priced accordingly for the market if it's not.

That means no sticking drawers in the kitchen. No leaning fences. No rust-stained plumbing fixtures. We could go on, but maybe we need to make it clear. If you have even one of following "turn-offs," your home won't sell or it will take longer to sell, and most likely at a lower price.

Buyers can get instantly turned off. Here are their five biggest turn-offs:

    Overpriced for the market
    Deferred maintenance
    Dark, dated décor

Overpricing your home

Overpricing your home is like trying to crash the country club without a membership. You'll be found out and escorted out.

If you ignored your agent's advice and listed at a higher price than recommended, you're going to get some negative feedback from buyers. The worst feedback, of course, is silence. That could include no showings and no offers.

The problem with overpricing your home is that the buyers who are qualified to buy your home won't see it because they're shopping in a lower price range. The buyers who do it will quickly realize that there are other homes in the same price range that offer more value.


Smells can come from a number of sources - pets, lack of cleanliness, stale air, water damage, and much more. You may not even notice it, but your real estate agent may have hinted to you that something needs to be done.

There's not a buyer in the world that will buy a home that smells unless they're investors looking for a bargain. Even so, they'll get a forensic inspection to find out the source of the smells. If they find anything like undisclosed water damage, or pet urine under the "new" carpet, then they will either severely discount their offer or walk away.


If your tables are full to the edges with photos, figurines, mail, and drinking glasses, buyers' attention is going to more focused on running the gauntlet of your living room without breaking any Hummels than in considering your home for purchase.

Too much furniture confuses the eye - it makes it really difficult for buyers to see the proportions of rooms. If they can't see what they need to know, they move on to the next home.

Deferred maintenance

Deferred maintenance is a polite euphemism for letting your home fall apart. Just like people age due to the effects of the sun, wind and gravity, so do structures like your home. Things wear out, break and weather, and it's your job as a homeowner to keep your home repaired.

Your buyers really want a home that's been well-maintained. They don't want to wonder what needs to fixed next or how much it will cost.

Dated décor

The reason people are looking at your home instead of buying brand new is because of cost and location. They want your neighborhood, but that doesn't mean they want a dated-looking home. Just like they want a home in good repair, they want a home that looks updated, even if it's from a different era.

Harvest gold and avocado green from the seventies; soft blues and mauves from the eighties, jewel tones from the nineties, and onyx and pewter from the oughts are all colorways that can date your home. Textures like popcorn ceilings, shag or berber carpet, and flocked wallpaper can also date your home.

When you're behind the times, buyers don't want to join you. They want to be perceived as savvy and cool.

In conclusion, the market is a brutal mirror. If you're guilty of not putting money into your home because you believe it's an investment that others should pay you to profit, you're in for a rude awakening. You'll be stuck with an asset that isn't selling.

Written by Blanche Evans

Buying or Selling a Home in Fairfield County?  Contact us!

If you have a question about buying or selling Real Estate in  Fairfield County, and are in need of representation, I invite you to contact me. I know the market like the back of my hand, know marketing inside and out, am a skilled negotiator- and I'd love to be on your side :) - Judy

Search for properties on any of our sites, or get the very best visibility available for your home. Visit us online wherever you like: Find out more about Judy here 


 Email us or  call Toll Free (855) GET-JUDY


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