Zillow says my house is worth WHAT???

I got a call today from a potential client who wanted to know what her home was worth, and she quoted me a figure from Zillow.com. I'm glad she couldn't see my face, because my jaw just about dropped. It wasn't overpriced, it was SEVERELY underpriced. Zillow is all over the lot as far as pricing is concerned.
Zillow IS a good informational site, I'll give it that, but it is no substitute for a local real estate agent's price estimate. Let me explain why. There are no local agents deciphering the local market as it pertains to your house that let the Zillow pricing module know the neighborhood nuances, which make a BIG difference.
For example, there may be one side of your street that is more desirable than the other side. Zillow doesn't know that. There are perceived or real neigborhood boundaries that Zillow doesn't understand, and cannot effectively price a home without this knowledge. There are school districts and boundary lines that may be different for you than they are for your neighbor. Zillow doesn't know that either.
So although the immediate price that this woman got when she punched in her address was way too low, yours could be way too high. At any rate, it's hit or miss when the value of your home is concerned.
Don't trust your biggest investment to an algorhythmic equation. It doesn't work. What you need is a local agent (LIKE ME!) to properly assess your homes worth, and to give you an honest and true estimate of value. All you have to do is contact me.