HOME BUYER MYTH # 1 : It's a good idea to work with the Listing agent.

WHAT ?? If you are interested in buying a house, AVOID having the listing agent represent you.
That may be the exact opposite of everything you may have ever heard about buying a home. Let me explain why. That agent is representing the seller, and besides having a fiduciary relationship with that seller, there is an established rapport with seller- there's an allegiance to that relationship. They know that seller better than they know you, so no matter what an agent says about being fair and equitable to both parties, I would think it would be psychologically difficult to attain a fair balance. Forget about Dual Agency representation- it's diminished representation.
So the moment you call the listing agent on that property, that agent knows you have interest. If you want to submit an offer on that property,, you'll probably end up paying more for it, because the agent already knows what the seller wants, and wants to look good to that seller by bringing in a great offer.
But someone told you that the agent might cut their commission to make the deal, and that way, you pay less. The truth? Agents cannot cut their commission without their Broker's approval. The Broker looks at things strictly in dollars and cents. If the broker allows a commission break to help you purchase that house, then they do not benefit from a full commission on the seller side, or the buyer side. That home will sell- to someone who doesn't ask for a break on the commission, and you will end up buying another home through that agency with no commission break. So the broker loses twice in this instance if they cut the commission for you. It's a rare occurrence when it does happen, so don't count your chickens on that one.
If you are interested in a house, DO NOT call the listing agent. Interview Realtors and choose ONE real estate agent to represent you. Someone that you can trust to get you the very best deal on your next home. And I just happen to know somebody....